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Corporate Governance Statement

(Extracted from Annual Report 2023)

The Corporate Governance Code (the “CG Code”) as published by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited sets out the principles of good corporate governance and provides two levels of recommendation:

  • code provisions, with which issuers are expected to comply, but with which they may choose not to comply, provided they give considered reasons and explanations for non-compliance
  • recommended best practices, with which issuers are encouraged to comply, but which are provided for guidance only

The Company supports the principles-based approach of the CG Code and the flexibility this provides for the adoption of corporate policies and procedures which recognise the individuality of companies. Swire Properties has adopted its own corporate governance code which is available on its website ( Corporate governance does not stand still; it evolves with the business and operating environment. The Company is always ready to learn and adopt best practices.

The Company complied with all the code provisions set out in the CG Code contained in Part 2 of Appendix C1 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”) throughout the year covered by the annual report.